It will be hard to break that one to Judy, but I have to do it. Read on for details.
It's a little late for me to be starting this post (when you have a 3 year old, it gets late very quickly) so I'm going to make it somewhat brief. It's too bad actually, because there's a lot I need to work through. Still, if I'm anyone's bitch, I am the bitch of Father Time.
So here goes... I got a little smoked this morning trying to grab the breakouts in EOG and ECA. I was early to the game in both instances and was down a few hundred.

My first buy came at 9:50. I bought 600 shares just before the guy dropped 45 cents. So, I lost close to $300 there. My second buy came around 10:00, just before he dropped 45 cents... so, I was down over $500 in the stock. I was very discouraged at this point.
Luckily, the third time was a charm. Of course, when the stock finally broke out, I only had 400 shares (I was buying with 600 the first two times) but happily, I held on nicely (been working on that, so happy it worked out) and made my money back and then some. I ended up over $300 in the stock.
I had similar trades in ECA. So really, the first half hour of the day was a nightmare for me but I made it all back and was up a couple hundred by 10:30 or so.
Buoyed by my success in these oil trades, I felt very confident buying into DO when it traded $120. It was an important level on the daily, and I went in with 600. I was filled at the top of the move.

I lost a half point on most and, embarrassingly enough, even more on my last 200 shares. I lost $377 in the dude. Completely my fault. No ass-rape or anything like that... just a bad trade.
Okay, so now we get to the fun part, or the reason why my next child, girl or boy, will be named "Momojuicing."
So via email Momojuicing and I are conversing. He's like, "Man, I wish I could blog like you..." and, "I wish I was smart like you..." And I was like, "Yeah, well, I'd name my second child "Momojuicing" if I could trade like you..." and he was like, "Oh yeah? Well check out this MA on a break of $198." The graph tells the rest of the story.

I short 300 around $198. I covered 100 at $197.25, 100 at $196.39 and the last 100 at $194.18. So I went from being down a few hundred to up $400 after this trade.
So I felt good about the trades. The name thing sucks, but, what can you do?
Anyway, the even better news came when I closed the day strong. I caught the bottom in MA with 200 shares when the news hit about ABK. I sold 100 after I made a point, and rode the other 100 for 4 more points. So MA turned into one of my biggest winners in awhile, at $1098.
Here's the stats:
P&L, $804
Best, MA, $1098
Worst, DO, -$377
21,000 shares traded.
15 stocks traded. 8 winners, 7 losers.