I bet things were going pretty well for the Dinosaurs right before the meteor hit. I bet they didn't even see it coming.
Well, today was kind of like that for me. The meteor was FAS. Ironically enough, this was the same stock I profiled as a "good trade" earlier today.
I got blasted fighting the market between 1:30 and 2 as FAS cratered in my face. I blew out 20 cents from the bottom. I had a lot. Painful? Yes. However, I feel okay. I'm not losing my mind or anything, I feel money is coming. A setback to be sure, but I'm gonna go over it all tonight and master it.
Unfortunately, you know the policy around here... I lose money, I have to post bad music. I lost big money today... so prepare for a truly awful song to drop later.
On the bright side, the RO had a decent day. Nothing great, but solid numbers. Out of 29 traders, 19 were gross positive, or 66%. 5 traders made over $1,000 gross and 2 lost over $1,000 gross. I was Chambermaid, hopefully for the first and last time.
"Lucky Pierre" - Trader Z, $2,576 on 113k shares traded.
2. Trader 10*, $2,301 on 400 shares traded.
3. Trader F, $1,870 on 64,800 shares traded.
4. Trader 9*, $1,757 on 300 shares traded.
5. Trader N, $1,512 on 114k shares traded.
"Chambermaid" - Trader S, -$5,814 on 88,600 shares traded.
2. Trader B, -$4,533 on 217k shares traded.
3. Trader 6*, -$941 on 0 shares traded.
4. Trader V, -$884 on 69,200 shares traded.
5. Trader T, -$802 on 11,000 shares traded.