Now, truth be told, I voted for this guy in 2000. However, since I don't live in a "swing state" I knew my vote didn't really matter anyway. I did it as a protest because I knew Bush was a nightmare and I hate Joe Lieberman (Gore's running mate in 2000).

-Ralph Nader's car, circa 2000
However, one reason why George Bush has had the opportunity to ruin our country for the last 8 years is because Gore lost Florida, where there were plenty of Nader supporters. I mean, Gore also lost his home state of Tennessee, which is ridiculous and not Nader's fault, but still...
We don't need you this time Mr. Nader. You will take votes away from Obama, effectively handing John McCain the presidency.
Do something else... like disappear.
UPDATE: Here's a link to the NY Times article about his entry into the race.