Monday, April 13, 2009

The RO Report, "$31" Day

I'm still long in my swing account, but I decided to buy a little SRS today, a small amount, to hedge. I think there is something seriously funny, not in a "ha-ha" kind of way, about the IYR. Anyway, I'll quickly cover if that piece of shit SRS trades below $30. I mean, all you have to do is take a look at FAZ to understand why you can't get all close and personal with these leveraged ETFs.

Anyway, still no software. I'm very frustrated by this. But you know what? Deal. I am told a solution is in the works.

"Lucky Pierre" - Trader D, $10k

2. Trader C, $8k
3. Trader H*, $5k
4. Trader 9*, $4k
5. Trader M*, $1,500

"Chambermaid" - Trader P, -$2,400

2. Trader N, -$2k
3. Trader V, -$1k
4. Trader &, -$1k
5. Trader B, -$1k

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