Friday, February 13, 2009

The RO Report, "Simulator" Edition

I almost took today off. After the carnage yesterday, I had all those Market Wizards in my head telling me to take my foot off the gas.

Instead, I found a compromise. I went surfing early and realized, as I was out there bobbing in the water that I was doing far more good for myself surfing, than trying to force trades. I had the best session of my life. It was amazing. Immediately afterwards I wrote about the experience which I'll probably post in a couple of weeks.

After I came back, I traded on the simulator. I lost $17,490 on the simulator. So, in a way, I actually made that money since I would have lost it had I been trading live... get it? DT Wins Again!

Anyway, the office did okay. Out of 28 traders, 18 were gross positive or 64%. 4 traders made over $1,000 gross, and 1 trader lost over $1,000.

Enjoy the long weekend. I have a full week of posts ready to fire next week, including a history and an around the house.

"Lucky Pierre" - Trader A, $5,984 on 76,124 shares traded.

2. Trader 9*, $2,854 on 2100 shares traded.
3. Trader 10*, $2,513 on 0 shares traded.
4. Trader K, $1,135 on 32,400 shares traded.
5. Trader F, $690 on 18,600 shares traded.

"Chambermaid" - Trader H*, -$1,655 on 7,300 shares traded.

2. Trader D, -$558 on 114k shares traded.
3. Trader L, -$428 on 31,400 shares traded.
4. Trader G, -$397 on 59,200 shares traded.
5. Trader V, -$264 on 14,200 shares traded.

1 comment:

Complacent Panda said...

I think you deserve to be the Lucky Pierre today.

I'm worried about this country...