Tuesday, November 4, 2008

DT Projects Obama As Winner!

-Barack Obama

I know it's early, but see, I ran a very scientific poll for the last couple of months. Due to the accurate nature of my polling, I can say without a doubt that Barack Obama will emerge victorious this evening in the race for the White House. Still, don't get complacent... go vote for him.

Anyway, here's how you voted:

Out of 632 total votes casted,

Obama 332 or 52%
McCain 238 or 37%
Nader 62 or 9%

Now, I tend to doubt that 9% of the electorate will vote for Nader, I just have a very independent-minded readership. So I'm going to chop that number a few percentage points. However, I also think that a fair number of my readers are Republicans, so I think the McCain number is probably fairly accurate.

Here is my final vote tally prediction. This is just the popular vote percentages.

Obama 56%
McCain 39%
Nader/Third-party candidates 5%

Whoever you choose to vote for today, go vote. I know there is a lot of cynicism about the system, but the fact remains that just sitting and watching TV will change absolutely nothing. More participation will make our democracy stronger.

And speaking of which... find your polling station here.

1 comment:

jsp9999 said...

What fabulous campaigns he ran through primaries and general!!! Now only if he can bring the same intensity and vigor into actual governing....