Friday, August 15, 2008


-Don Delillo

He drove along turnpikes and skyways, seeing Manhattan come and go in a valium sunset, smoky and golden. The car wobbled in the sound booms of highballing trucks, drivers perched in tall cabs with food, drink, dope and pornography, and the rigs seemed to draw the little car down the pike in their sheering wind. He drove past enormous tank farms, squat white cylinders arrayed across the swampland, and he saw white dome tanks in smaller groupings and long lines of tank cars rolling down the tracks. He went past power pylons with their spindly arms akimbo. He drove into the spewing smoke of acres of burning truck tires and the planes descended and the transit cranes stood in rows at the marine terminal and he saw billboards for Hertz and Avis and Chevy Blazer, for Marlboro, Continental and Goodyear, and he realized that all the things around him, the planes taking off and landing, the streaking cars, the tires on the cars, the cigarettes that the drivers of the cars were dousing in their ashtrays--all these were on the billboards around him, systematically linked in some self-referring relationship that had a kind of neurotic tightness, an inescapability, as if the billboards were generating reality, and of course he thought of Dinosaur Trader.


Denarii said...

did you take a surf board in the head or something?

Anonymous said...

Couldn't help but notice that he had porn, and yet porn Thursday didn't live up to the promise.

Can I get a refund?

S. Urista said...

Dude - just step away from the keyboard, ok? Slowly.

Dinosaur Trader said...

Porn Thursday!


BTW, I didn't write this. I just love it. It's from Underworld by Don Delillo.


Bluedog said...

That was nice! Good imagery.