Friday, June 27, 2008

A Revenge Trader Caught Skateboarding


HPT said...

That's great. hitting the skateboard like that is really danerous actually, I saw this other video where the board hit the guy in the eye and he was blind for a few months.

Dinosaur Trader said...

So you had a good day today, then?


HPT said...

I'm on wallstreak right now, nailed a long on ER2 off the bottom. I'm long V and CMG into the close on russel rebalance

Bluedog said...

Ouch. I've done that before (w/ stocks).

D1 said...

oooh yeah hitting a skateboard like that is sooooo dangerous. puhleaze. I've been breaking skateboards for years and that never happens. Maybe you should invite that kid to the VO, you guys have a lot in common.