Monday, January 28, 2008

Virtual Office, -$2202. Dow, +176.72, 12,383.89.

Denarii, $67 on 2200 shares traded.
Wincity, no trades.
Sanglucci, -$126 on 20,400 shares traded.
OBAT, -$329 on 17,600 shares traded.
Me, -$340 on 20,600 shares traded.
Dehtrader, -$1474 on 3360 shares traded.

Sanglucci summed it up... "What a shitty day!"

I'll have to elaborate more later... need to head out for a bit.

NOTE: No Daily Post tonight... I got home too late to want to analyze much. Meanwhile, I'm surfing early which means I need to do all my research for tomorrow, tonight.


Adrian said...

Way to go Denarii, don't see you at the top nearly enough!

Anonymous said...

it is funny, how different styles do better and worse in different markets. I've had one of my best days ever together with my buddy chris (

Best trade short IMA.

Dinosaur Trader said...


It's true, there are many ways to skin the cat.

I think my entire office had a tough go of it today, however, a few guys caught some stuff. I just couldn't find a good winner.

Congrats on your day,