Monday, December 3, 2007

Smell That Manure

All the fun today was in the fertilizer stocks. I'm not sure if they smell like manure or not, but I thought that was a nice title for a post.

Anyway, I made money in a couple, but also got completely smoked in one, MON.

That third bar today kind of put my P&L in the shitter. Since then, I've been fighting back.

I expect a choppy week. However, there was loads of opportunity out there today. I expect the VO will post some decent numbers today.

NOTE: While we're on the topic of manure, go check HPT's post on his trading blowups this year. Don't you love reading about other trader's disasters?


mrkcbill said...

DT- Do you have a take for the next couple of Qtrs in the market. Something just doesn't feel quite right.

On the other hand just the slightest bit of support from the Fed and D.C. on the banking fiasco and it seems like we will take off 10-15%.

Dinosaur Trader said...

Yeah, well, I've been pretty bearish since February...

I'd have more faith in this "bounce" if it wasn't so fast and in such beaten-down names.

I think January we get smoked.