Friday, December 26, 2008

"We Share A Common Destiny As Americans"


achumpschange said...

we are so screwed... cue the soviet national anthem

Dinosaur Trader said...

Correction: After the last 8 years of incompetence and division we WERE screwed... things should start to get better, however slowly.


Trader-X said...

I feel good with Obama at the will be a long road back, but America is on the right track for the first time in a many, many years.

Jawbreaker said...

New boss same as the old boss. Look at the people around him thus far.

StockHunter said...

Even though I don't like him, I'm going to take the high road and support obama (unlike how the liberals treated bush while he was in office).

Complacent Panda said...

He's very good at reading. Sure beats the hell out of Bush in that respect. And while I wish him the best, I don't know how much he will be able to change for the better. I wish he would suggest a new economic strategy rather than "Too big to fail", but I have a feeling he will put as much force as he can into bailing out the auto industry. People will associate it with a blue collar victory, but it really is not. It does the average American a great disservice. It basically tells him, you're too small to matter and we dont care how good the companies we're saving, just as long as they are huge and have lots of political clout and money.

I hope he gives us some plan that is realistically achievable and strengthening. Maybe post it on his site, or something. But, I don't think it's going to happen.

StockHunter said...

I'm so sick of people complaining about the auto bailout. Where were they when the banks were bailed out? And why all of a sudden do people care so much about giving their money to an inefficient company, when you've been giving your money to an inefficient government you're whole life?