Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Economy, The Election, And YOU!

Man, people are pissed off. Here are two very interesting articles that basically highlight the same thing, people think our government sucks.

"The Hardest Vote," by George Packer, and "Mad About Everything," by Jennifer Steinhauer.

Both are worthy of your time as we go through the middle of the day here, waiting on "beardo" at 1:15 and then the FOMC minutes at 2:00.

Call me a dick, but I don't feel loads of sympathy for people right now. As far as I can tell, hordes of idiots went to the polls in 2004 to vote Bush back into office after it was pretty clear to anyone who was paying attention, that he was an idiot.

But forget about the national level.

If you're pissed off about what's going on, consider your actions on the local level.

Do you spend the evenings drooling in front of your television watching bullshit shows about celebrities?

Do you spend your money at the gigantic national chain stores, thus killing your local main street while only increasing the bonus sizes for the CEOs?

Are you driving a hulking SUV while you complain about the price of gas?

Are you fat because you eat the shit they serve at fast food restaurants thus driving up the cost of health insurance for everyone?

Pay attention people. The writing has been on the wall for a long time. No one is going to change the situation except for you.

Again, here is a link to help you get involved.


Bubs said...

Thanks for the links...Was just reading about this dude that killed his family because of his market losses.


Anonymous said...
