Thursday, February 14, 2008

Virtual Office, $1700. SPX, -13.40, 1350.50.

Dehtrader, $946 on 2740 shares traded.
Ducati, $368 on 4800 shares traded.
Equine, $365 on 2800 shares traded.
OBAT, $50 on 33,600 shares traded.
Me, $8 on 27,800 shares traded.
Retardo, no trades.
Wincity, no trades.
Evolution, VO vacation.
Timmay, -$37 on 5200 shares traded.

First of all, let's give it up for CNBC who at around 2:40 said that Ackman, the dude who has been shorting the shit out of ABK, was buying a large position in the company. 5 minutes later, they had to explain that what they meant to say was that he was buying more PUTS in the company... he's getting SHORTER. He thinks the stock is going EVEN LOWER.

It was hilarious. But also led to some wacky moves in the stocks. Ah, CNBC.

Anyway, it was a pretty good day for the real world office. Most traders made money. The Beard spoke, though I don't know what he said. Hank Paulson spoke too and he moved his hands a lot... I had the TV on mute. I was just watching their expressions. Had I not known who they were I would have been convinced, with the TV on mute, that they were salesman.

The VO had a mediocre day. Also, volume was light in the market. The VIX was up a little. The real story is in the credit markets, as the yield on the 10 year rips. I think this kind of move is problematic for the FED. As they cut, yields should go down, no? Instead, with credit spreads continuing to widen, credit should continue to be crunchy... I think.

1 comment:

Sanglucci said...

Yeo my bad DT I been tradin so much aftermarket shit man haven't sent you my numbers don't go crazy on me. You'll get em tho and if I don't feel free to light my ass up with the blog "jokes".... herb....