Tuesday, November 6, 2007

America's Wealth Spectrum

Here it is.

That there is a graphical representation of said "spectrum."

What I want to know is how am I up near the top and still struggling?

I blame the hybrid market, and SWC.


Adrian said...

What's the picture supposed to represent? It looks like a spectroscopy slide, not a chart of wealth.

Dinosaur Trader said...

That "graph" may or may not be a representation of America's wealth spectrum.


Adrian said...

Uh huh. If America's wealth is a vial of vaporized carbon :)

Is it a symbol of the ashes of the American dream? You've got a strange sense of humour.

Dinosaur Trader said...

Yes. How did you know it was vaporized carbon?

Damn! So much for subliminal messages embedded in blogs.


Adrian said...

Just lucky - google image for "wealth spectrum" turned that up on the first page :)

Dinosaur Trader said...


All of my closely-held "blogging secrets" exposed by the one called "tyro."

Now anyone can start a stock blog! Oh... wait.