Thursday, May 31, 2007

End Of The Month

Well, while I've been struggling with my intraday trading lately, at least my longer-term account is doing well. GAIA and MVIS (thanks Fly) are working wonders today.

Anyway, I've made some money here early with good trades in DE, ITG and CNH. Not sure if I've pulled positive for the month or not, but at least I've made it very close. I can start June with a pretty clear head. I have noticed some of my confidence returning despite another poor month. I am no longer as confused by the Freaky Hybrid trades. Now, they are just something that happens and I shake my head at them and think wistfully about the past.

I'm taking a half day today because a friend of mine has an art show in the city. I like to support artists and other poor people. Makes me feel better about myself.

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