Friday, April 27, 2007

Virtual Office $6687, Dow 15.44, 13120.94.

Misstrade, $5030 on 24,600 shares traded.
DinosaurTrader, $1843 on 42,800 shares traded.
EvolutionTrader, $628 on 32,600 shares traded.
One Bad-Ass Trader, $554 on 26,600 shares traded.
NYSE Scalper, $398 on 33,400 shares traded.
DenarriTrader, $118 on 2600 shares traded.
TradeWhileWorking, -$729 on 2400 shares traded.
Dehtrader, -$1155 on 16,800 shares traded.

A choppy day for the VO. Although most members were in the green and that's always good.

Without the gains of Misstrade, we would have had a very lackluster day. However, if you read this post daily, outsized gains by Misstrade are becoming the norm. I had a nice bounceback day after my trouncing yesterday and ET and OBAT had nice days again. The Scalper wasn't really feeling it today but still had a nice green day while Denarri kept up with his quietly green way of being.

On the downside were disappointing days for TWW and Dehtrader. Go check their sites to see what went wrong.

Have a great weekend. Tomorrow I'll have a list of non-trading links posted. I'm still working on my next history post. It's been a challenge this week to find time to write. Hopefully, this weekend I'll have some time.



HPT said...

I like the stories you write about when you first started trading(they're pretty damn funny). I think you should make links to them in chronological order. I like the one story about the first time you saw the trading room and how the traders were trading and watching porn and yelling and screaming and how the traders would use code words for the stocks they were trading

Dinosaur Trader said...


Thanks. Well, I'm working on a new one, it's just taking longer than I expected. It's a good idea for me to link them chronologically and I will do that.

Have a good weekend,